Friday, 13 June 2014

Hospitality Expert: Kylee Sleep

Many people arent very familiar with the hospitality industry. While its true that not everyone participates directly in the hospitality industry, millions of people are involved with hospitality every day, says Kylee Sleep.

Kylee Sleep has been employed by one of the most highly praised hospitality firms in the world; the Grand Cayman Beach Suites. Located in the Caribbean, the Grand Cayman Beach Suites exemplify comfort, luxury, and most of all, what a hospitality business should be. Kylee Sleep served as a top Sales Executive during her tenure at the renowned resort, which is considered the ‘crown jewelof the Caribbean the Grand Cayman Beach Suites.

Kylee Sleep has served at a variety of companies in both the hospitality and tourism industries. Both the hospitality and tourism industries are closely tied, confirms Kylee Sleep. Having lived in the Caribbean for more than 5 years, Kylee Sleep says that in a number of cities, the tourism and hospitality industries go hand in hand. Places such as top tourist destinations like the Caribbean, or, for example, Las Vegas, have a highly synergized tourism and hospitality industry, according to Kylee Sleep.

Hospitality firms include famous companies such as Disney. Disney offers destinations such as Disney Land and Disney World, which are known throughout the world as outstanding theme parks with resorts on-location. While running and operating business within both industries can often involve a bit of mayhem, according to Kylee Sleep, the industries offer excitement and often, some nice perks, according to Kylee Sleep.

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