Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Kylee Sleep Explains How Long Distance Running Can Relieve Stress

Kylee Sleep has trained as a long distance runner for many years, and excels at half-marathon races. Also an avid yogi, Kylee Sleep is interested in using long distance running as a method to relieve stress. All too often exercise is considered out of reach for the busy lives many women and men navigate. Kylee Sleep, however, believes that one of the main reasons she has been successful as a sales executive is because of her daily run.

Committing to any exercise program can be difficult, the discipline and energy it takes can feel daunting. But, long distance running requires minimal planning and costs, while maintaining a flexible enough workout regimen to account for busy lives. Kylee Sleep notes that in moments where she was working harder and for more hours, she adjusted her workout schedule to ensure that she could keep her daily routine more or less in tact. Instead of giving up on working out during high stress moments, consider reducing the amount of time dedicated to exercise. By keeping your daily routine, you will be more capable of enduring a high stress period at work, according to Kylee Sleep. Additionally, exercise helps relieve tension and stress, so it is vital that you do not give up on exercising the moment that your body could use it most.

Long distance running is particularly stress relieving for Kylee Sleep because it focuses on repetitive movements and makes space for mental processing and deep thought. The time spent running allows an individual to spend some time alone with their thoughts, which will ultimately leads to a less stressful and more balanced lifestyle.

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